Izzy Safe
Allergy Labels
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- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
50 Personalized Labels - $9.99
Disclaimer: Izzy Safe provides allergen-free stickers as a tool to assist individuals in identifying foods that do not contain specific allergens. While we strive to provide accurate information, it is crucial to note that these stickers are not a guarantee of allergen absence. Users must exercise caution and take responsibility for verifying the ingredients of the food products. By using our stickers, you acknowledge and agree that it is your sole responsibility to thoroughly inspect the food product's ingredients to confirm its allergen-free status. Izzy Safe accepts no responsibility or liability for any allergic reactions or adverse effects resulting from the consumption of food marked with our stickers. The stickers are intended solely as a helpful reminder and should not replace diligent scrutiny of product labels. Ingredients and manufacturing processes can change, and cross-contamination may occur, making it essential for users to stay informed about potential allergens. Izzy Safe encourages users to consult with medical professionals to determine their specific allergens and exercise caution when consuming any food, even when marked with our stickers. By using Izzy Safe allergen-free stickers, you agree to hold us harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from reliance on the information provided by the stickers. We recommend double-checking ingredients and consulting with food manufacturers if you have any doubts about the allergen content of a product. Thank you for choosing Izzy Safe as a part of your allergen-aware lifestyle. Stay vigilant, stay safe!